Abstract submission process started on 20 December, 2013
All abstracts must be received on or before July 11th, 2014.
To participate at the congress, you must register first and start the submission abstract process.
The review process starts once you have registered on this website and have chosen the role of “author” to fill out the registration form and later on to submit your abstract.
The congress has two formats: the on-line and the live congress. All accepted abstracts will be included at the on-line event. Acceptance of the abstract and assignment to a session are determined solely by the Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee will determine the abstracts to present at the on-live congress.
Author Guidelines
Once you log in using your user ID (login) and password, you have two possibilities:
1.My Folder, In the top menu, select [New Book] or
2.In the folder section, select [New Book]
It is displayed in the center column of the page "Step 1. Start sending". Follow the directions to complete the process.
In each submission you can only submit one abstract. Start again, in "Step 1. Start sending “to submit a second abstract.
Should you require further explanation, send an email to mariobr@ipk.sld.cu
Submissions for this conference were closed on 2014-07-11.